DataTrace System (DTS) now filters by the alpha character subdivision name in LA County Name Tract service. When the alpha character is present in the tract field, the system filters search results based on the entered alpha character and returns records with blank tract.
Search Result Changes
The Name Tract is no longer included in the BK/PG column. Each alpha character displays within its own header.
New Display
Former Display
DTS searches the All Tract (all combinations of lot, block, tract, book & page) as listed (in order) below:
Search the entered legal first
Search the All Lot (lot and book/page only) – If lot was entered
Search the All Block (Block and book/page only) – If block was entered
Search the All Tract (book/page only with alpha name tract)
Search the All Tract (book/page only, no alpha name tract)

Plat List Changes
1. The alpha characters of the Name tract will now display in the plat list. The Name Tract is no longer included in the BK/PG column. Each alpha character displays within its own header.
2. Users can now select the ranges in the plat list and click on plant button to populate the subdivided name tract search with the valid lot, block, alpha name. The new title stylesheet is only available for property searches described above; name searches will still have the existing stylesheet.
*Watch a new brief Learn DTS In-Minute-Video on this new feature*
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